Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
List of questions given to the Moody Bible Institute by the Watchtower Society
by Esse quam videri ini am curious about a list of questions the wt society sent to the moody bible institute.
i may not have all the facts correct.
blame my failing memory.
Village Idiot
Don't quite know what the story is here but one thing's for sure, those are not the type of questions that the Watchtower would ask or even dwell upon. Too many angels on the head of a pin type of questions that only a theologian with different beliefs than the Watchtower would ask. -
Tomato or tomoto? Is it geehovah or jahovah?
by hoser inhow do you say it where you are?
geehovah or jahovah?
Disfellowshipped for Tattoos??
by Lynnie inare getting tattoos a disfellowshipping offense?
i know several jw's that have them but i always thought they were totally taboo.
what do you guys know about this?
Village Idiot
I knew a ministerial servant who had a devil's tattoo on his arm. He got it before becoming a JW. He tried burning it off. I forget if he wore long-sleeved shirts. -
God's supposedly chosen earthly organization (WTS/JWS) doesn't pronounce or spell god's name correctly !!!
by Finkelstein inthis came up on terry walstrom thread topic recently and i thought it would be good to explore this further.
the jws are quite boisterous and arrogant that they use the proper name of jehovah as the divine name of god.
but a little investigation discovers something quite different.
Village Idiot
"In our modern Bibles, then, whenever YHWH is found, we usually "translate" it as LORD or Jehovah. Both are wrong, though Jehovah is certainly preferable to LORD."
It's irrelevant that JeHoVaH is not as accurate a description as it could be. Reason being that you're going to have a 101 different pronunciations in a 101 languages regardless of whether it's YHWH or JHVH. Knowing the right pronunciation will still not be able to stop it from being distorted by other languages' own rules of pronunciation and writing.
WT is trying to scare off memorial partakers
by cookiemaster ini don't know how many of you still participate in the sunday wt study, but i unfortunately still do.
even though i was asleep half of the time, i did notice something i thought i should share with the rest, in case you haven't noticed.
a lot of the paragraphs were worded strongly against partaking and used clear language of intimidation and discouragement toward anyone thinking of partaking.
Village Idiot
@ Oubliette:
All of us non-DF'd "apostates" should show up and partake just to drive them crazy!
Nah, just kidding!
I'm not kidding, we should attend and leave the plates and wine glasses empty for the rest of the audience to pass along.
new photos of the stupidity ^%$#@ WTF is this %^$#
by NoMoreHustle ini'm sure you've seen these, just in case you haven't.
Village Idiot
Looking at Caleb makes me wonder, are bow ties theocratic? -
Send In The Clowns
by OneFingerSalute inas i sat through another mind numbing sermon this morning i could not help thinking that the speaker was a total clown.. lime green suit, white shirt, yellow tie, blue socks barely higher than his ankle, brown shoes, and an orange cast.
all that was missing was a big red rubber nose!
and of course everyone remarked what a wonderful talk he gave.
KH 1st timer, could use some advice
by rathernotsay inhey people, .
i am soon going into a kh for the first time and i could use some advice around etiquette etc.
i know next to nothing besides the fundamental beliefs of jws, i personally dont believe in any religion, and that stance isnt ever going to change, however i don't want to come across as rude or disrespectful.
Village Idiot
"It has been suggested to me that I request a meeting with them and explain that our children are being raised with an open mind, as I still celebrate their birthdays and my family still celebrate xmas."
Don't mean to be argumentative but... those elders have a completely different mindset than you. They would consider the idea of an open mind to be horrid. Even if they don't show it they simply won't have any respect for you. Whoever suggested such a meeting with the elders must either be incredibly naïve or down right deceptive.
KH 1st timer, could use some advice
by rathernotsay inhey people, .
i am soon going into a kh for the first time and i could use some advice around etiquette etc.
i know next to nothing besides the fundamental beliefs of jws, i personally dont believe in any religion, and that stance isnt ever going to change, however i don't want to come across as rude or disrespectful.
Village Idiot
"When I said that I would come along I made it explicitly clear that I am not going to start studying or believing."
But she'll try anyways and that could be a source of friction. You put your foot in the door and she'll want to drage you in no matter what you say.
"She just laughed and said she knows that and wont even bother trying to convince me otherwise."
If she really believes that then what's her motivation in asking you to come?
"It really is more about me learning who these people are particularly the elders."
As others on this forum can tell you it is not until you're baptized that you really get to know the Witnesses, elders included.
KH 1st timer, could use some advice
by rathernotsay inhey people, .
i am soon going into a kh for the first time and i could use some advice around etiquette etc.
i know next to nothing besides the fundamental beliefs of jws, i personally dont believe in any religion, and that stance isnt ever going to change, however i don't want to come across as rude or disrespectful.
Village Idiot
Don't. Do. It.
By taking the first step inside your wife will keep egging you on to go further. Then, should you choose to bail out, your relationship with her will worsen. As for working things out with your wife remember, it is she who owes you not you who owes her.
Don't remain ignorant of the religion. Quite the contrary, learn as much of it as you can stomach then you'll have a solid foundation upon which you can have a meaningful discussion with her. I suggest that you read Crisis of Conscience to get a good overview of what these people are really like. Also, keep reading this site.